Море и женщины

Волкова Анна Кузьминична - командир отделения 1-й стрелковой роты 355-го отдельного гвардейского батальона морской пехоты ТОФ.
Прикреплённые файлы:
Сырость, леденящая душу, небритые зверские лица вокруг, лживые гортанные выкрики, осклизлые извивающиеся черви, острые металлические крючья, рвущие плоть, руки и одежда, запачканные кровью, полтора десятка трупов под ногами и в конце зловещее пламя в ночи - всё это я увидел своими глазами во время рыбалки с друзьями.
(iii) The Russian diplomats and their spouses also
exploited other aspects of the Medicaid program. Information
about the citizenship of the mother is not required on Medicaid
applications because a child born in the United States is
presumed to acquire United States citizenship upon birth. But
almost all of the children born to Russian diplomats and their
spouses do not acquire United States citizenship upon birth.
Certain of the defendants lied about the citizenship status of
their chi.ldren in order to obtain continuing health coverage for
their child. By falsely reporting that their child was a United
States citizen, when, in fact, the child was a Russian citizen,
the Medicaid coverage for the child was allowed to continue.
…d. As a result of an international convention among
multiple nations and a bilateral agreement between the United
States and Russia, children born in the United States to Russian
diplomats generally do no~ acqu