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Lockheed Martin signs contract to market Israeli Python-4 missiles

JERUSALEM, Jan 7 (AFP) - 17:59 GMT - The US company Lockheed Martin signed a contract with Israel's Rafael Armament Development Authority to market Python-4 missiles, Israeli army radio said Friday.
Israel hopes to sell the air-to-air missiles to countries whose air forces are equipped with F-16 aircraft, which are made by Lockheed Martin.

Several years ago, Lockheed Martin and Rafael set up their Pegasus joint venture, which made Popeye air-to-ground missiles that can be used by F-15 or F-16 aircraft, the radio said.

Sales of the Popeye missiles to the Australian, Israeli, Turkish and US air forces have reached 600 million dollars.

South Korea recently ordered 100 of the misiles for 128 million dollars, with Pentagon approval. And Greece is also reported to be interested in buying the Popeyes.

Israel is the world's fifth largest exporter of weapons.


Serge Pod


http://www.janes.com/defence/images/gallery/991117.jpg [Image access forbidden: 404]
X-43A in flight (November 17, 1999) (16K) -An experimental aircraft that could pave the way for dramatic increases in speed in everything from cruise missiles to re-useable space vehicles has been delivered to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for flight-testing. Artist's impression of the X-43A in flight. © Photo: NASA
http://www.janes.com/defence/images/gallery/991124.jpg [Image access forbidden: 404]
BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle (November 24, 1999) (45K) -One of the most successful Russian armoured fighting vehicles in the export market in recent years has been the BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle (ICV), developed and manufactured by the Kurgan Machine Construction Plant.

Janes360 - 404 Error - Page Not Found!

The web server cannot find the page you asked for. Please check the URL to ensure that the path is correct. I suggest you start at our Home Page. Please contact our webmaster if you feel you got this message in error. Copyright © 2013, IHS // 

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Fulcrums dog-fight in Red Flag Exercise
Released: 29 Nov 1999

http://www.af.mil/photos/Nov1999/992083a.jpg [zero size or time out]
German MiG-29s fly in a historic formation with Nellis F-16 Fighting Falcons of the 414th Combat Training Squadron over the ranges during Red Flag exercises. The squadron is from the 73rd Steinhoff Fighter Wing from Laage, Germany. Units from around the world participated in the Red Flag exercise, which is designed to provide aircrews from the U.S., allied nations and coalition forces with superior combat training. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Kevin J. Gruenwald)

by Capt. Veronica Kemeny
Air Warfare Center Public Affairs

NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. (AFPN) — The simulated enemy threat has never been so realistic here during Red Flag.

The added realism this Red Flag exercise, which ran Oct. 24 to Nov. 6 offered was the result of the first-time participation of six German air force MiG-29 Fulcrum jets. Flying units from around the world were able to train against a formidable threat they are likely to see in future conflicts.

More than 2,000 people and more than 100 aircraft participated in Red Flag, which provides aircrews from the United States, allied nations and coalition forces with superior combat training, challenging even the most experienced pilots. In the war games, the allied aircraft or "Blue forces" go head to head with the aggressors or "Red forces."

As excited as the Germans were to be taking part in Red Flag, the U.S. pilots were even more excited.

"The mission today went great," said Lt. Col. Paul Gruver, an F-16 pilot from the 194th Fighter Squadron from Fresno, Calif. "The MiGs today were a very formidable threat. We learned some good lessons by having faced them.

"We are preparing to…

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База просто погрязла в них. Грузится на 100 Mbps по 3 минуты. На 56К столькоже. Это ж с ума сойти - их скоро больше сотни будет. На порносайтах - меньше. Может их все в окно отселить, которое уж убить можно?


Tut v seti nashel ludei grozyashehsya dat' 100 megov mesta besplatno:

Sam ne proveryal, t.k. nenado, no pohozhe chto ne vrut. Dumayu Aviabaze takoe ne pomeshaet.

Serge Pod


Ili na hudoy konetc aerodromov. ;))

Serge Pod


Pora prinimat'sa za angl versiyu.
1. Sdelat' obschiy vhod s vyborom versii.
2. Opredelit' chto i kto perevodit.
3. Ya mogu vziat'sa za perevod kakoy-libo stranicy.

Serge Pod


Собственно говоря, все написано в заголовке :))

Serge Pod


PAC-3 contracts for Lockheed Martin
http://defence-data.com/storypic/pac3.jpg [Not image: 200, text/html]
6 January 2000

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control - Dallas has received three contracts valued at more than $143 million for the Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC-3) Missile.

The PAC-3 Missile is a high velocity, hit-to-kill missile and is the next generation Patriot missile being developed to provide increased capability against advanced theater ballistic missile, cruise missile and hostile aircraft. The PAC-3 Missile kills incoming targets by direct, body-to-body impact. When deployed in a Patriot battery, the new missiles will increase the Patriot system's firepower significantly, since 16 PAC-3 Missiles can be loaded on a Patriot launcher, compared with four Patriot missiles.

The first contract is a $48 million Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) contract for the production of 20 PAC-3 Missiles. Production of the missiles will take place at the company's manufacturing facilities in Lufkin, Texas, and Camden, Ark.

"We're very pleased to see the PAC-3 Missile enter Low Rate Initial Production. This means we are one step closer to getting this missile in the hands of end-user, the U.S. soldier," said Mike Trotsky, vice president - air defense programs for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control - Dallas.

With the LRIP contract signed, the PAC-3 Missile program is on schedule for First Unit Equipped (FUE), planned for CY 2001. The first unit to receive the PAC-3 Missile will be the 2nd Battalion, 1st Air Defense Artillery (ADA) of the 35th ADA Brigade at Fort Bliss, Texas. The 2-1 ADA is currently training with upgraded equipment capable of launching PAC-3 Missiles. This equipment includes prototype PAC-3 Missile canisters, Fire Solution Compu…

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Смотри так же топик "Интересные фотки XII"

http://visi.net/~djohnson/lippisch/3blp13a.jpg [zero size or time out] Dr. Alexander Lippisch designed this ramjet powered interceptor in late 1944, much of the research coming from his work on the DM-1 test glider (see below). The wings were sharply swept back at 60 degrees, and there was a single large fin and rudder in which the cockpit was located. The ramjet was fed by a circular intake that protruded from the nose, and exhausted beneath the vertical fin at the rear. Research in the DVL high-speed windtunnel indicated that the P.13a had outstanding stability up to the maximum tested speed of Mach 2.6, and no unfavorable characteristics in the subsonic range. A liquid fueled rocket motor was planned for takeoff and to get the aircraft to ramjet operating speed.Since fuel was in short supply by this stage in the war, powdered coal was to be used in the ramjet.

Span: 6.0 m (19' 8.4") Length: 6.7 m (22') Max. Speed: 1650 km/h (1025 mph)

Photos of the Lippisch DM-1, an unpowered glider built to test low speed handling for the P.13a....
http://visi.net/~djohnson/lippisch/dm1-1.jpg [zero size or time out]



The Lippisch P.13b was a follow-on design from the P.13a, and was also a ramjet fighter. Designed in December 1944, it featured Lippisch's favorite wing plan, a delta design (sweepback was 60 degrees) with downturned wingtips. A double fin and rudder was chosen, and the cockpit was moved to a forward position, ahead of the delta wing's apex. On each side of the cockpit on the wing's leading edge were the air intakes which fed the…

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Netscape тайно выпускает Communicator 4.71
( [url}http://www.osp.ru/tforum/vesti/2000/01/05_02.htm[/url] )
Как мы уже сообщали, Netscape Communications, дочернее
предприятие корпорации AOL, обещало в декабре вместо нового
Communicator 5.0 выпустить обновленную (4.71) версию прежнего
варианта клиентской программы для работы с Internet. C помощью
немецкого еженедельника "Computerwoche" электронному
сообществу "Телеком-Форум" удалось чуть ли не в последний
день декабря обнаружить Communicator 4.71 на "тайном"
( ftp://lvftp.netscape.com/pub/blind/communicator/english/4.71M2-19991213/ )
FTP-сервере Netscape. Обновленная версия, по данным Netscape,
освобождена от ошибок своей предшественницы 4.7...


Serge Pod


Украина и Казахстан создадут ракету-носитель

В октябре 1997 года в Алма-Ате было подписано соглашение между правительством Казахстана и Украины о сотрудничестве в области исследования и использования космического пространства, подписанное в ходе визита в Казахстан украинского президента Леонида Кучмы. Год спустя соглашение было представлено в парламент Казахстана для ратификации, но сроки рассмотрения законопроекта дважды переносились. Однако, учитывая обоюдную заинтересованность Казахстана и Украины (президенты двух стран достигли соглашения по созданию экологически чистой ракеты-носителя тяжелого класса нового типа под условным названием «Содружество»), казахстанское правительство вернулось к вопросу о ратификации документа. Соглашение о сотрудничестве ратифицировано. //РИА «Новости»

В Москве будет летающая «скорая помощь»

В ближайшее время в небе над Москвой появится многофункциональный вертолет легкого класса франко-германской фирмы «Еврокоптер» БК-117, поступивший на оснащение Центрального аэромобильного спасательного отряда МЧС России. Еврокоптеровская новинка, оборудованная в медицинском и спасательном вариантах, будет использоваться в качестве воздушной «скорой помощи» в пределах Москвы и области, главным образом для экстренной транспортировки в клиники столицы пострадавших в тяжелых дорожно-транспортных происшествиях. Специальное оборудование, установленное на борту БК-117, позволяет оказывать первую медицинскую помощь пострадавшим прямо в полете, а при необходимости  — вести интенсивную терапию. В Восточном административном округе Москвы для новой машины уже подготовлена вертолетная площадка на территории городской клинической больницы №15. //«Газета.Ru»

| МЧС России приобретет «летучий спасатель»

На Оренбургском производственном объединении «Стрела» начато серийное производство нового отечественного вертолета легкого класса Ка-226А. Первые пять машин в аварийно-спасательном варианте до ко…

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Serge Pod


Heinkel He P.1078B single-seat fighter

Смотри так же топики "Обещанный Т-12" и "Интересные фотки ХII"


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http://www.spacer.com/images/taiwan-missile-battery-bg.jpg [Image access forbidden: 403]
Taiwan To Test Anti Missile System
Taipei (AFP) January 2, 2000 - Taiwan is expected to hold a live-fire exercise for its US-made Patriot anti-missile weaponry next year after Washington gave the go ahead, a paper here reported Sunday.
"It would be the first test firing of the arms system outside US territory," the Chinese-language United Daily News said.

The exercise would be held at Chiupeng missile base in Pingtung, the southern-most county on the nationalist island, the paper said, adding details had yet to be fixed.

The defense ministry would not comment on the report Sunday. The paper said that other countries armed with Patriots, including Japan, had accepted test-firing in the US.

"Our idea is that more accurate records close to Taiwan's needs would be obtained by having the exercise done here, particularly when weather conditions are considered," a top army official was quoted by the paper as saying.

"After all Taiwan's weather is vastly different from that of US deserts."

Despite strong protests from China, Washington sold 200 improved versions of the Patriot missiles (PAC-II Plus) and other facilities to Taiwan in 1993.

The US weaponry has been deployed in Nankang, Linkou, and Wanli, in the heavily-populated Taipei area in northern Taiwan.

The official told the paper that since the Patriots' arrival in 1996, missile training had passed a series of tests.

He added that last year the army conducted an "electronic simulation test" for the system at Chiupeng, during which mock targets were destroyed.

Apparently mindful of the Chinese threat to retake the island by force should it move towards full independence, Ta…

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New International Airport for Moscow?

The Russian government signed an order on the December 17, 1999, allowing the creation of a point of entry into Russia at Moscow's Bykovo Airport. This was an unexpected departure for government policy regarding Moscow's airports, rumored to be looking to reduce the city's capacity rather than increase it.

The airport is reported to currently handle only about 1% of Moscow's air traffic and has also had considerable financial difficulties, which have resulted in its current status of operating under administration.

The airport reports that it will now begin the investment to allow handling of up to 300-400 international passengers an hour from four Yak-42 flights, capacity which is required to gain the status of an international airport. The major benefit for the joint stock company, 51% owned by the state, which includes both the airport and the airline, will be that they will be able to operate Bykovo Avia international flights from the airport instead of Moscow's three international airports. The company claims this increases their costs through high airport charges and claim that operating from Bykovo will reduce their airport expenses by as much as 80%.

The attraction of the lower cost and the relatively uncongested airport when compared with Domodedovo, has apparently brought interest from a number of international airlines including Moldovan and Georgian Airlines, as well as Saratov Airlines.

The new international status according to the company will also allow them to improve their domestic-international connections to destinations in Germany, Turkey and Austria, destinations that would be expanded to include Frankfurt and other European cities in the event of the international status being granted.

Domestically, Bykovo maintains routes to Anapa, Magnitogorsk and Volgograd using its fleet of Yak-42s and runs a summer schedule to the resort…

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IAI Looks for Upgrade Business
Israel has been actively promoting its long-standing upgrade proposal for the Su-22 to the Polish government. According to Romuald Szeremietiew, an Under Secretary at the Polish Ministry of Defence, officals of IAI are expected to visit Poland during December to negotiate over the upgrade of Poland's 99 aircraft.

Presented by the Israelis as a concept at the Kielce Military Fair in 1995, the key areas for the upgrade will be in avionics, armament and cockpit systems, with an emphasis on giving the aircraft the ability to carry both Western and Eastern European weapons in addition to a greater range through an increase in fuel payload.

There have also been unconfirmed reports that the Israelis would offer the Poles the radar system created for the cancelled Lavi program.

From ConCISe Aerospace


Serge Pod


В.Путин отклонил закон о поддержке ракетно-космической промышленности

Исполняющий обязанности президента РФ Владимир Путин в соответствии с частью 3 статьи 107 Конституции РФ отклонил принятый Госдумой 3 декабря 1999 г., считающийся одобренным Советом Федерации Федеральный закон "О государственной поддержке ракетно-космической промышленности и космической инфраструктуры Российской Федерации". Об этом сообщила пресс-служба главы российского государства. В письмах на имя председателя Совета Федерации Егора Строева и председателя Госдумы Геннадия Селезнева исполняющий обязанности главы государства заметил, что отдельные положения Федерального закона не имеют достаточно продуманной концепции правового регулирования государственной поддержки ракетно-космической промышленности и космической инфраструктуры России, не соответствуют Конституции РФ и ряду законодательных актов.

05.01.00 12:45:24 /Финмаркет/

Транспортный самолет Ил-114Т планируется сертифицировать к середине 2000 года

Как сообщил начальник, главный констpуктоp АК "ОКБ им. Ильюшина" Николай Таликов, тpанспоpтный самолет Ил-114Т гpузоподъемностью 7 т планиpуется сеpтифициpовать к сеpедине 2000 года. По его словам, на Ташкентское АПО для Ил-114 и Ил-114Т поставляются двигатели ТВ7-117С pазpаботки петербургского Завода им. Климова и пpоизводства московского Завода им. Чеpныщева. Цена двигателя - менее 1 млн долл. Эти двигатели имеют pесуpс 3000 часов, а к 2001 году pесуpс должен быть повышен до 6000 часов. Предполагаемая стоимость самолета - 7-8 млн долл. На Ташкентском АПО в пpоизводстве находится не менее 5 самолетов. За пеpиод до 2005 года на внутpеннем и внешнем pынке авиатехники может быть пpодано до 140 самолетов типа Ил-114Т.

05.01.00 14:58:19 /Финмаркет/

И.о. президента РФ В.Путин отклонил закон о государственной инновационной политике

Исполняющий обязанности президента РФ Владимир Путин в соответствии с ча…

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Pochemu v obratnom poriadke?


Никто ничего про Penetrator (стратегический разведчик США следующего поколения с возможностью нести на себе БПЛА и для замены SR-71) не слышал? А то интересно ведь!

Serge Pod


US Air Force awards contracts for six more F-22 Raptors
http://defence-data.com/storypic/f22under.jpg [Not image: 200, text/html]
4 January 2000

The US Air Force has awarded contracts totalling more than $1.5 billion to Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems and Pratt & Whitney to build six F-22 Raptor production-representative test vehicles (PRTV).

The contract awards to the F-22's airframe manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, are valued at slightly more than $1.3 billion. These follow an earlier $195.5 million, advance buy contract to the company. A separate contract award of $180 million to Pratt & Whitney will fund two F-119 engines for each of the six aircraft, for a total of 12 engines.

"We are confident that the F-22 is ready to move forward in the defence acquisition process," said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael E. Ryan. "These contracts put the F-22 program one step closer to its goal: a low-rate initial production decision by December 2000."

"During the past two years, the F-22 program...has successfully met every acquisition milestone and achieved all development criterion established by the Office of the Secretary of Defence and the programme office," Ryan said. "Careful planning and execution by every member of the F-22 team — government, prime contractors, and suppliers — have helped this system pass every test with flying colours."

In a related effort today, the Air Force awarded the same two manufacturers separate, additional F-22 contracts totalling $277.1 million, to support the Lot 1 Advance Buy of l0 production F-22s. Lockheed Martin will receive $275.4 million, while Pratt & Whitney will receive $1.7 million. According to program officials, these contracts will focus on activities preliminary to building actual aircraft,…

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Serge Pod


| Пропавший над Турцией самолет до сих пор не найден

По состоянию на утро 4 января поиск места возможного падения пропавшего у побережья Турции самолета Ан-28 авиакомпании «Гвинея экваториал эйрлайнс» и шести членов его экипажа, украинцев, результатов пока не дал. 3 января продолжались поисково-спасательные работы, в которых с турецкой стороны принимали участие фрегат, два катера береговой охраны и два самолета, сообщает МинЧС Украины. Велись также поиски на берегу в 100-километровой зоне вдоль турецкого морского побережья. Организовано шесть подразделений жандармерии и местных жителей, прочесывающих территорию, включая горы, высота которых достигает 2 тыс. метров. 3 января из Турции было получено официальное уведомление о разрешении использования украинского самолета Ан-28 для организации поиска. Вылет этого самолета запланирован на 4 января. Связь с пропавшим самолетом Ан-28 была утеряна 28 декабря 1999 года в 16.52 близ населенного пункта Инеболу (Турция). Самолет следовал маршрутом Жуляны (Киев) — Анкара. //«Интерфакс»В Италии горожане выиграли процесс против аэропорта

Гражданский суд Рима признал во вторник обоснованным иск, поданный жителями маленького городка Маддалена против нового миланского аэропорта Мальпенса. Аэропорт находится в полукилометре от Маддалены, и жители городка обвинили его в превышении дозволенного уровня шума. Теперь администрации аэропорта предстоит перенаправить взлетные полосы или сократить число взлетов и посадок. Новому итальянскому аэропорту со странным названием «Плохая задумка», построенному год назад, не везет с самого начала его ввода в эксплуатацию. Открытие терминала в течение нескольких недель сопровождалось хаосом из-за многочисленных недоделок, с которыми был сдан аэропорт. За неделю до новогодних праздников Евросоюз настоял на том, чтобы был отменен перевод в Мальпенсу всех зарубежных авиарейсов из старого аэропорта Линате, что планировалось министерством транспорта Италии. В результате этой отме…

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Я так понял, Сергей, что бортжурнал ведёте Вы. Поэтому хочу спросить, можно ли когда пишется, что обновилась такая-то рубрика, писать по какому именно аппарату она обновилась? По-моему так удобней будет.


Serge Pod


Russia Launches Two Military Satellites

Russia closed out 1999 with a pair of launches of military
satellites during the last week of December.

A Ukrainian-built Tsyklon-2 lifted off Sunday, December 26
from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, according to the Itar-TASS
press agency. No exact time of launch was given, but news reports
indicated that the launch was a success.

The launch was planned for several days earlier, but was
postponed by weather and technical problems. The payload was only
reported to be a military satellite, Kosmos 2367. Outside experts
believe the satellite is a new EORSAT naval reconnaissance satellite,
designed to locate and track naval fleets by monitoring radio, radar,
and other electromagnetic emissions.

A four-stage Molniya-M booster lifted off at 2:12 pm EST (1912
UT) December 28 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia.
Russian officials identified the satellite only as Kosmos 2368.

The satellite is believed to be a reconnaissance satellite of
the Oko class, designed to provide early warning of missile launches.
Such satellites have been launched in the past by Molniya boosters
from Plesetsk and placed into highly elliptical orbits with perigees
of less than 1,000 km (620 mi.) and apogees of nearly 40,000 km (24,
800 mi.)

Space News reported in its December 20 issue that the Oko
satellite launch would help fill a critical gap in Russian
surveillance of American missile sites. Starting in 1997 a lack of
functioning satellites meant that there were gaps of as long as seven
hours a day in Russia's coverage of American sites.

A Zenit-2 booster was also planned to launch a Tselina signals
intelligence satellite in late December. Space News reported that
this launch was planned for December 20 to 23, but there…

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