Анякдотики, избранное и лучшее - 2

Записал любовницу в телефонную книжку под именем "LOW BATTERY". Теперь, когда она звонит мне на сотовый и меня по какой-то причине нет рядом, жена просто ставит его на зарядку.
…Israel was admitted to UNESCO in 1949, one year after its creation. In 1974, UNESCO stripped Israel of its membership on the grounds of alleged damage being done by Israel's archaeological excavations on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. UNESCO defended this decision with two statements in 1974 and 1975, but renewed Israel's membership in 1977, after the United States threatened to withhold $40 million of funding from the organization.
В 74 ЮНЕСКО выгнало Израиль под предлогом того что у него фиговые археологи, и они -де неправильно проводят раскопки на Храмовой горе. Назад его приняли после того как США намекнули что так дела не делаются.
In 2010, Israel designated the Tomb of the Patriarchs, Hebron and Rachel's Tomb, Bethlehem as National Heritage Sites and announced restoration work, prompting criticism from the United States and protests from Palestinians. In October 2010, UNESCO’s Executive Board voted to declare the sites as "al-Haram al-Ibrahimi/Tomb of the Patriarchs" and "Bilal bin Rabah Mosque/Rachel’s Tomb" and stated that they were "an integral part of the occupied Palestinian Territories" and any unilateral Israeli action was a violation of international law.
В 2010 Израиль начал реставрацию некоторых своих религиозных святынь. ЮНЕСКО тут же вписалось за палов, обьяснило израильтянам что они гады-оккупанты, и на деле это вовсе даже мусульманские святыни, а евреи там просто рядом стояли.
On June 28, 2011, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, at Jordan's insistence, censured Israel's decision to demolish and rebuild the Mughrabi Gate Bridge in Jerusalem for safety reasons. Israel stated that Jordan had signed an agreement with Israel stipulating that the existing bridge must be razed for safety reasons; Jordan disputed the agreement, saying it was only signed under U.S. pressure. Israel was also unable to address the UNESCO committee